Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2018

Why Is Self Confidence Important?

For argument’s sake, let’s say you have a clear idea of what self confidence is, and you appreciate that you already have everything it takes to become more self confident.
The next question is: why is it important to have self confidence? And why is it worth your time, effort, and energy to develop greater confidence in yourself?

Why do I want to be more confident?

One of the most important things for you to understand about self confidence is that it is a great and useful thing to have, but not the 'right' thing to have. Indeed, just like it's neither right nor wrong for a glass to be full of water or for a glass to be empty, it's neither right nor wrong to be full of self confidence or to lack self confidence.
Rather, it's a question of how do you want to be and why.
This means that if you currently have low self confidence (or even no self confidence at all), this is a completely valid and acceptable way of being, so don't spend even a second feeling bad about it. 
Instead, appreciate this: your life improves in every way the more self confident you become. So that's why it's worth your time, effort, and energy to do so.

11 benefits of self confidence

You've already seen the big picture view of the two primary benefits of confidence: it naturally makes you happier and helps you be more successful.
However, you can dig down deeper to identify more specific benefits that are also worth appreciating. 
With this in mind, here are 11 benefits of becoming a more self confident person:

  1. Greater self worth: the more self confidence you have, the more you value yourself and your capabilities, which means the more valuable you feel; this is what creates the effect of naturally holding your head up high, since you have higher self esteem and are proud of who you are
  2. More happiness and enjoyment: for all the reasons above, the more self confident you are, the happier you are with yourself; as a result, the more you always enjoy life
  3. Freedom from self doubt: the more self confident you become, the more free you become of the mental torture of doubting yourself, and questioning whether you're 'really' valuable, or capable of achieving things you want to achieve
  4. Greater strength and capabilities: the more self confident you are, the stronger and more powerful you feel; you also naturally grow stronger and more confident when encountering challenges, rather than feeling weakened, crippled, and defeated by them
  5. Freedom from fear and anxiety: the more self confident you become, the more you know that you can accept, handle, learn, gain, and benefit from any situation, circumstance, or outcome; in this way, you naturally replace fear and anxiety with greater confidence in yourself and your abilities
  6. Freedom from social anxiety: the more secure you feel in your self worth, regardless of how others see you, the less concerned you are with what others might or might not think of you in social situations
  7. More peace of mind and less stress: freedom from self doubt, fear, and anxiety naturally translates into greater peace of mind and a more stress-free life
  8. More energy and motivation to act: the more confident you are that you can achieve things you want to achieve (like personal goals or dreams), the more motivated and energized you are to take action to achieve them
  9. More beneficial and enjoyable interactions with others: the happier and more confident you are, the more relaxed, comfortable, and at ease you are, and this naturally puts others at ease more around you; also, with these qualities, others tend to trust, respect, value, welcome, and cooperate with you more; the overall result is better and more enjoyable social interactions
  10. Better sleep & health: less fear and anxiety + less stress + more peace of mind + more happiness = you enjoying the health benefits of being more self confident, including better quality of sleep
  11. Greater success: in case it's ever been a mystery to you why self confident people are naturally more successful, now you can clearly understand why there is such a high correlation between self confidence and success; each of the above benefits helps you achieve things you want to achieve faster and easier, which means you enjoy more success in life  

How important is confidence?

It is important to appreciate that one of the most important benefits of being more self confident is that it naturally helps you become stronger and stronger over time, with everything you encounter and experience, rather than weaker and weaker.

How the effects of low self confidence weaken you

Consider what happens when you have low self confidence, and you feel like you can't possibly accept or handle someone rejecting you in any way.
With this scenario, not only are you terrifed of putting yourself out there, and 'risking' rejection, but if you are rejected, it naturally feels like a nightmare to you, and makes you even more frightened of risking rejection in the future.
In this way, low self confidence (or a lack of self confidence) naturally makes you weaker and weaker over time.

How the benefits of high self confidence strengthen you

Inversely, if you have high self confidence, you have no doubt that you can easily accept and handle someone rejecting you, and as a result, you're not afraid or anxious of putting yourself in situations where you might be rejected. And, if you are rejected, you see how easily you can, indeed, handle it, and emerge stronger than ever with such proof of how strong and capable you are.
In this way, high self confidence naturally  makes you stronger and stronger over time.
When you consider all this, it's a no-brainer: not only is it worth your time and effort to become a more self confident person, but it's also worth your time to develop a highdegree of self confidence that will always benefit you in life, and make your life easier and more rewarding in every way.

Do you want to be more self confident?

The most important question, right now, is this: do you want to increase your self confidence and become a more self confident person?
This is because the most important factor for becoming more self confident is to simply want to develop greater confidence in yourself, and to be decisive about taking action to do so, regardless of whether anyone else wants you to become more self confident or not. 
With this clarity of mind, you are already well on your way to developing greater confidence in yourelf and your abilities.
If you're thinking, 'I want to be confident, but I don't know how', that's fine.
Provided you have already learned what self confidence is, all this means is that your next step is to learn more about how to start developing it in a simple, easy way.

Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 8, 2018

10 Things Most Successful People Do At Night Before Sleep

So what do you do at night before you sleep? Do you watch television? Do you surf the web and this is how you found this blog? Or do you spend quality time with your family?
What about successful people? What do they do at night before they sleep? Here are 10 things they do…

1. Wrap up the day

Decide that the day has ended and you will go into another phase of the day. If you work until 6 pm, make sure that you get your work done and end your day so you can focus on another part of your life. Life is short, you want to do as much as possible. So if you have promised dinner with your family, make sure you do that.
You have to allocate your time for each category well. Sleep, work and time for other activities. You already allocate most of your time to sleep and work, thus, when the clock hits 6 pm or 7 pm, just stop and spend the rest of the day doing other important activities in your life.

2. Read books

Many successful people in the world are voracious readers. They read and they learn from what others talk about. Do you know that reading and learning can shortcut your journey to success? In fact, many great people including Bill Gates, read books or articles until they feel tired and then go to bed after.
Tim Armstrong, the CEO of AOL, recently told the Guardian that he gets home around 8 pm and then reads to his daughters. “They usually win and get two or three books,” he says.

3. Spend quality time with family and friends

Yep, success starts from within. You have to spend quality time with your family and friends in order to get connected and stay connected. Some people choose to meet up with their friends every Wednesday, and the rest of the days they will just spend time with their family members. It all depends on how you allocate your time.

4. Plan and get ready for the next day

This is one of the most important things you can do before you sleep. Planning for tomorrow, writing down what you need to do and get ready for the next day to come. For instance, most people will iron their clothes and get all the relevant documents that they need to use for the next day ready before they sleep. You should do the same.
If you do this, you will wake up and know exactly what you need to do the next day. You will become more effective and more productive because you’re ready and everything is within your reach. Conversely, if you’re not ready for the next day, imagine what can go wrong. You wake up late, can’t find your clothes to iron, you forget where you put your important documents for meeting, etc. Your day will be in a mess. So always plan your coming days the night before.
5. Unplug from the world
Enough of the working world? You may want to get unplug from everything. This is especially crucial in our modern world where anyone can connect to you and distract your moment. Your phone can ring anytime if you did not turn it off. There are times where you want to get disconnected and stay away from your work. There are also times when you want to just be alone. Studies have shown that when you are alone, you are more engaged with yourself.

6. Meditation

Another great thing you may want to practice at night. Meditation is good for both your mental health and physical health. Meditation works as a recharge for your energy and get you focus in what you want. You feel deeply relaxed after the hustle and bustle of the day. Now it is time for you to stay relax for both your mind and your body. So learn to practice meditation each night before you sleep. You can start with just five to 10 minutes.

7. Envision tomorrow

One of the best ways to get ready for what’s coming is to envision it. Just like how visualization works, when you think about your perfect days, you will be more prepared and have the confidence to go through everything that comes along.
Spend at least five minutes thinking about the next day before you sleep. Envision what you will do and how you will do it. Imagine who you will talk to and how you are going to deal with it. Of course, when you envision it, you must envision everything going smooth and in perfect manner. All problems arises will be solved by you, and this is how you can really come up with a productive days.

8. Write down accomplishments for the day

What have you accomplished during the day? Some people will say none because they don’t think they are productive on the day.
When you feel grateful that you have proper lunch, proper dinner and able to get home safely and able to spend great moments with your family, you will feel deep joy within. On the other hand, if you don’t feel thankful for all that you have, you will feel stressed, pressured and insufficient. You will have the feeling of “not enough” even if you already have everything.
Therefore, write down at least three to five things that you appreciated and have accomplished during the day every night when you plan for the next day. Write down big and small successes you have done. Even if it is just a phone call, five minutes reading, etc. Write them down and practice the habit of appreciation.

9. Get things done

Will you go to the next day with unfinished work? If you know you still have one task to do but it is already night fall, would you sleep and get it done tomorrow? Well it depends on your personality and how much time the task is going to take.
Most successful people will get things done before they go to bed. They are committed and make sure that they get every important thing done as promised. For example, if you still have clients with whom to follow up, and it is already 6 pm or 7 pm where you want to leave the office, what you can do is to reply their email telling them that you will follow up with them the next day. At least this will help you to ease your tension and let your client know that you did not neglect them.

10. Get enough sleep

Do you have enough sleep? And do you know that getting enough hours of sleep is one of the most important energy sources for you when you wake up the next day? If you don’t get enough sleep, you will feel lethargic and tired. You will not be able to get things done and have a productive day if you’re tired.

Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 8, 2018


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Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 8, 2018


1. Lười đọc sách
Dostoyevsky từng nói, "Không đọc sách có nghĩa là không suy nghĩ". Sách với nhiều người là công cụ mở mang đầu óc còn với số còn lại trở thành công cụ để họ giải tỏa cảm xúc của chính mình. Trong sách có rất nhiều tình huống, rất nhiều câu chuyện thực tế. Hãy cứ đọc đi vì biết đâu sau 1.000 ví dụ trong sách bạn lại tìm được 1 thứ phù hợp với chính mình.
2. Chán ghét công việc của chính mình
Đa phần người thành công có thể tự hào nói với người khác rằng họ yêu thứ mình đang làm và tận hưởng nó. Chỉ có khi bạn yêu thích những gì mình làm, bạn mới có thể toàn tâm toàn ý và rồi cống hiến nhiều hơn cho nó. Một khi bạn đầu tư nhiều cho công việc, thành quả tiền bạc cũng từ đó lên theo.
3. Không chịu kết giao
Kết giao với người khác là một trong những cách đơn giản nhất để xây dựng sự giàu có. Với những người có quan hệ rộng, mọi chuyện họ làm đều hết sức dễ dàng trong khi đó mọi thứ dường như khó khăn hơn với những người ít kết giao với người khác.
Với tiền bạc cũng vậy. Lý do bạn chưa giàu là bởi bạn ít kết giao, ít mối quan hệ, và ít gặp gỡ giao lưu với người mới. Cũng vì thế mà cơ hội ít đến hơn.
Người ta có câu: " Muốn đi thật nhanh, hãy đi một mình. Còn muốn đi xa, phải đi cùng nhay", một tập thể bao giờ cũng đem lại thành quả nhiều hơn một cá nhân.
4. Không để tâm tới sức khỏe
76% những người thành công tài chính đều tập luyện thể thao 4 lần/tuần. Họ cũng giữ cho mình cả thói quen ăn uống lành mạnh và hạn chế chất dư thừa. Hỡi những người nghèo, chỉ có 13% quan tâm tới tập luyện và rèn luyện sức khỏe mà thôi.
5. Quá tin vào số mệnh
Cuộc sống là do bạn tự quyết định chứ không phải những lá số tử vi hay lời nói của ai khác. Đừng tin vào những "sứ giả thần linh" vì số phận nằm ngay trong tay bạn.
6. Không chịu chấp nhận rủi ro
Nếu cả đời bạn chỉ nấp trong vòng an toàn, không chịu ra ngoài đối mặt với rủi ro, thử thách thì cuộc đời bạn sẽ mãi phẳng lặng. Rủi ro tất nhiên không phải lúc nào cũng tốt nhưng đó chính là cơ hội, là hi vọng để thành công, giàu có hơn sau này.
7. Xem quá nhiều những thứ "bề nổi"
Nhiều người nghĩ rằng muốn thành công, giàu có, họ nên theo dõi những người thành công giàu có khác như Bill Gates chẳng hạn rồi làm như những gì họ làm. Thực tế là để có được như ngày hôm nay, Bill Gates cũng phải trải qua nhiều điều mà ông chưa từng nói tới. Chưa kể, hoàn cảnh, điều kiện cùng môi trường lúc ấy cũng chẳng giống như bây giờ. Đó là lý do vì sao trên đời chỉ có 1 Bill Gates nhưng có quá nhiều người muốn trở thành Bill Gates.
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